America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It

America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It



Average rating1


This book is trash.

I hoped to hear a different perspective, explaining concerns around multiculturalism. But this book is impossible to read.

It's continuously factually incorrect. There are some interesting facts here and there, but they're interspersed with complete nonsense. It's impossible to trust anything written given how many facts in this book are wrong.

It continuously exaggerates risks and picks on extreme examples, painting them as norms. Again, a lot of these examples are just straight up wrong—e.g. that detainees in Guantanamo Bay are treated like royalty.

It's terribly written, flitting all over the place from paragraph to paragraph. Rambling from one disconnected story to the next.

This book is fear mongering garbage. Seriously depressing that it has so many positive reviews.

January 9, 2020Report this review