American foreign policy since World War II

American foreign policy since World War II



Average rating5


Despite being a very slow read, I loved this book. If you'd like to gain a better understanding of global interactions and the Cold War, this is the book for you. While reading this book, you begin to connect the dots and see the secondary and tertiary effects of conflicts or economic events during the Cold War. Spanier sufficiently covers events like the SALT treaties or the Vietnam War, but he digs deeper and gets down into the weeds of lesser known events. For example, he shows the effects of Soviet-Cuba intervention in Angola, the Sino-Vietnamese conflict of 1979, the Suez War, and civil war in El Salvador.

(Unfortunately, I only have the eleventh edition, which ends during Reagan's presidency. However, if Spanier covers the policies of 1990 and on as well as he covers foreign policy in this book, I'd imagine the more recent editions are just as good.)

June 25, 2014Report this review