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American Homemaker

American Homemaker



Average rating2


I did not like this book at all. Right from the beginning. I couldn't stand just about any character. The main character, Kim, was probably the closest one I came to not rolling my eyes as much. Her husband I disliked immensely. I wasn't buying Melody as an assassin for hire. Not even a little bit.

The plot is there. The twists are there. It has the makings of a good thriller but i just couldn't fall into the story. There were some parts that did give me some hope that maybe it was going to get better for me and I wasn't just forcing my way through the book but sadly that hope died away. Honestly, If i hadn't won the book in exchanged for a review and had purchased the book on my own...I wouldn't have continued reading it and just counted it as a loss.

June 22, 2019Report this review