Cover 7

American Luthier

American Luthier

2016 • 312 pages


Average rating4


The theme of the chapters is amazing. Each memoir chapter is based on an element of the musical structure called fugue. And there are several other chapters all called Intermezzo which are on the sciences involved; acoustics, physics, frequencies, violin design, etc. In the hardcopy these intermezzo's are a different color of paper to the memoir chapters.

The memoir is well written with only a few backtracks or jumps ahead in time with an overlap in a later paragraph or chapter. I found it interesting that the author clearly devoted alot of time to researching Mrs Hutchins but spent a good chunk of the book pointing out with some pretty negative choices of words, how Mrs Hutchins neglected her family to focus on her craft with Mr Hutchins being the saint. I'm glad the author called out the imbalance between family and career but it was the strength of the dislike by the author I homed in on.

February 7, 2023Report this review