This might genuinely be one of the most unique fantasy books I've ever read.
I've only ever read one portal fantasy before, which I did not like and ended up DNFing, but I am SO glad I ended up giving this a try regardless. It had none of the things I had problems with in the other book I DNFed: modern language, while included to show Safi's origins, was minimal enough that it enhanced it rather than hindering the story. The conflict between Safi wanting to experience something new while still missing home and wanting to return while also feeling guilty about wanting to stay was very well balanced, I feel. And she CHOSE to return home in the end and was mostly secure in that choice, which I feel like isn't common in this genre.
The worldbuilding in this book was just incredible. Besides one or two instances that I can think of (which was still very well done in my opinion) there was no real info dumping at ALL. This book doesn't talk down to you in the least; you're thrown into the world and approached like you've always been there and they don't spell much out for you. You gotta pay attention and piece things together, which isn't difficult as long as you're alert but it presents a fun challenge that makes you engage with the book even more and it's SO refreshing.
I'm obsessed with the way gender and sexuality were approached in this book. Polyamorous marriages not just being common but being the NORM? A specific set of magic for gender-reassignment surgery, which is not only known about but fully respected? Just incredible.
Safi was also a very likeable main character. She handled everything EXTREMELY well, considering her age, and she went through the absolute ringer as well. Her little romance was very cute and I hope we see more of it in the next book!
Will absolutely be continuing this story!