An Assassin in Orlandes

An Assassin in Orlandes



Average rating2


I read the later ones in the series first, so I came in knowing to expect less, being the first effort and all. My expectation was accurate.

The overall story itself wasn't bad, just nothing spectacular, and a little bumpy. There's a nice twist towards the end, but I was sort of expecting it. I found both the protagonist's motivations and the villain's scheme to be very weak. I can think of much better ways for the villain to achieve success, and with much less variables and risks. Together with a very generic protagonist, there's little in the way of empathising with them.

App-wise, being the very first one was fine. In fact, it's better in one way - the casual mode allows you to roam where you will right off the bat. The later versions lock it behind a “cheat mode” that you must first unlock. Depends on what you're looking for in a gamebook I suppose, but I didn't really see the point of preventing me from just freely exploring the gamebook right from the start.

July 12, 2015Report this review