An Education in Malice

An Education in Malice

2023 • 352 pages


Average rating3.5


I wasn't sure what to make of this book at first. I loved Carmilla and the web series loosely based on it, so I was eager to give this a try. The poetry angle and dual POV threw me off however, but the latter wasn't too much of an issue. Nor the poetry, as that thankfully didn't take away from the story overall.

I did feel like the book dragged on in the first half, and was tempted to drop it after the sixth chapter. The whole "rivals to lovers" thing just isn't my thing, but I pushed on and I'm rather glad I did.

For me, the book greatly improved once Carmilla was turned, and the events around that really kicked things up a notch. It's just a shame it took so long.

Oh and uh...the sex scenes were very nice. 👍🏾

March 14, 2024Report this review