An Egg Is Quiet

An Egg Is Quiet

2013 • 37 pages


Average rating4.3


I had high hopes from the cover of this book, but the result was not as good as I thought. The font of the text is very stylistic but hard to read. The text is either very advanced “Some sharks begin life in a leathery egg case with tendrils”, either very simple “An egg is quiet. Then, suddenly... an egg is noisy!”. Sometimes, the text is written inside of an illustrated book, at an odd angle, which is not comfortable to read. My favorite part is the extremely beautiful illustrations. But even there, I found some odd mistakes. I have intrigued by the Field Cricket illustrated egg, which looks like a tiny banana, but when I looked online, I realized that it looks more like a long whittish yellowish piece of rice. What an inaccurate illustration! In the end, I am so so about this book. 2,5 rounded up at 3 stars.