Cover 8

Andre in Flight

Andre in Flight



Average rating3


2.75 rounded up because I love this author's later workOkay ... I wasn't expecting that and then that didn't really go anywhere. Not anything that I would've hoped or expected. I've read this author's [b:Hiroku 40123971 Hiroku Laura Lascarso 62228513] and [b:The Bravest Thing 52675982 The Bravest Thing Laura Lascarso 55643895] and really loved them because although the MC are technically NA or even YA the emotions, themes, and maturity of the characters felt authentic. In [b:Andre in Flight 32803318 Andre in Flight Laura Lascarso 53219197] Martin is 25ish? and while he waits tables to pay the bills he's actually an artist, a painter. One day a new dishwasher starts working at the restaurant where Martin works and he's instantly and inexplicably obsessed & smitten. Andre, whose age is never confirmed (between 16 to 18?) remains an opaque character. Who was he other than Martin's muse? He's young but ... who is he? Ultimately these things didn't matter and I was disappointed. What I hoped would be a story of an artist's obsession with his muse, a potentially problematic one, turned into tragic reincarnated lovers who keep finding each other over time. Super sadzMy explanation to myself is that this is an earlier piece by the author and maybe it served as a rehearsal of sorts for themes she explored much more successfully in later books.

January 20, 2021Report this review