2010 • 496 pages


Average rating3.1


I feel kind of guilty for not finishing this book because I won it off of Goodreads and since I did I had every intention of finishing it and giving it a review but after about 8 months of reading a bit, putting it down, picking it back up and reading other books I've given up for the moment.

It was a bit of a slow start but after I got over that hill the story really started picking up as more and more things were being revealed and coming together but then around page 57 what happens? We hit a flashback from the point of view of a character we hadn't had the POV of before and that would have been about 100 pages and I didn't want to deal with it anymore. Still I haven't lost complete faith, I'm lending it to a friend and if she can read it and likes it I'll pick the book back up and give it another try :)

Also don't go by what I say here if you want to read the book read it because I never finished it so how can I judge how it is when I don't really know?

March 1, 2010Report this review