Around The World in Every Vehicle

Around The World in Every Vehicle


Average rating4


What an adventure! This book is about the family Van Go who decides to travel the world with their three kids, and to try every single mode of transportation you can think of. Each page portrays one part of their journey, and most often the different ways to navigate to or inside of a city. When they ride on a tramway in Istanbul, the parents introduce tramways from different countries. Same with taxis, firetrucks, boats and so many more.

I liked that the books also talked about the different fears that a kid can experience while traveling, for example when Freddie was nervous going underground in Paris.

Whatever the age of your kid, I think they will find something to like about this book: the city sights, the local animals, the street food, the geographical locations, the flags, the distances between cities, or even the length of an airplane flight.

Thank you NetGalley and QEB Publishing for providing me with a free digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Read and reviewed: 2018-11-02

November 2, 2018Report this review