Average rating5
proudly proclaim my Army of Darkness fangirl status. I love absolutely everything about that movie. Love Bruce Campbell, and his particular brand of hilarity. It should come as no surprise that I snatched this graphic novel up as soon as I laid eyes on it! Steve Niles continues Ash's story, and reboots it with a vengeance. Are you ready for awesome? That's what you'll find between the pages. Settle in, you're in for a treat.
I had to hunt down a panel to share with you, because the illustrations are amazing! You can see more where I snagged this one from, on the Dynamite Website. Fans of the movie will quickly see that the illustrator holds true to our crazy, lovable and cocky Ash. His facial expressions are perfection and, coupled with the requisite hilarious one-liners, it's hard not to fall in love with reading through this. It's addictive!
Better still, is the story line itself. It sits itself snugly against where we last left off, and takes off without a second thought. You'll see characters make a reappearance, and be introduced to some new ones. I was extremely pleased with how flawlessly Steve Niles kept so close to what came before, but still managed to put his own spin on things.
I couldn't get enough of this graphic novel! I laughed out loud a whole bunch, snickered at some new very quotable parts of Ash's new story, and was all but devastated when I reached the ending. So will I be back for more? You're damn straight! You couldn't keep me away if you tried. Hail to the King, baby. More, please and thank you.