2014 • 336 pages


Average rating3


There was potential for lots of greatness in the book. The back story that the characters were discovering was great. However, the characters themselves were unimpressive. Their personal “secrets” were overblown and took away from the story. The pictures were cool but added very little to the novel. There were too many questions left unanswered and the ones that were answered were too quickly answered. The characters didn't discover the answers. The answers just fell in their laps. And some of the answers didn't make sense.

There are two more books and two novellas in this series. Maybe more answers will be given in those. However, I doubt it considering the reviews I have read. And the fact that there are two novellas needed to further explain what is going on makes me very skeptical of the “main” novels.

This is a YA novel, so maybe I shouldn't be so hard on it. Some YA novels hold adult appeal and some don't. This doesn't. In my opinion, Miss Peregrine's is a better YA novel. And Carol Goodman's books are much better for creepy locations full of dark history that is being resolved in the present.

If I was a teen, I think I would have enjoyed this book a whole lot more.

April 7, 2015Report this review