Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged

1957 • 1,084 pages


Average rating4


This is my second reading and somehow I was even more engulfed by the book than the first time.
The only bone I had to pick with Rand is why the hell Eddie was left overboard? Yes, he didn't make the last step, but they didn't give him a chance. This made me very angry. His character deserved to make this final leap and find Atlantis. I resent that it didn't happen.
Apart from that, the book was a total thrill. Again. I don't know what I'm Rand's writing makes me feel the characters' emotions so vividly, but it does. There is some part of me that resonates with her books (Atlas and Fountainhead) at some level that I myself can't explain.

September 13, 2022Report this review