Attack the Geek
2014 • 194 pages


Average rating3.7

Jamie RevellSupporter

Described, appropriately enough, as a “side quest”, this is a half-length book sitting between the second and third novels of the Ree Reyes geekomancy series. Unfortunately, compared with its too predecessors, it falls rather flat.

The problem is that there's very little plot. The story consists almost entirely of one long slugfest, albeit against a range of different opponents. The geeky references are still there in full force, and the characters that we see are well-written and generally appealing. But with nothing much to do other than fight things, they don't get any real depth, or, at least in the case of the main characters, any significant development.

Overall, it works well enough as what it's presumably intended to be, as well as serving as an intro the third novel (which is not yet out at the time of writing), but it lacks the variety to be truly interesting in its own right.

October 27, 2016Report this review