Attack the Geek
2014 • 194 pages


Average rating3.7


Disclaimer: I received a eARC from netgalley in exchange for this review.

I love the Geekomancy series. Smartly written, filled with tons of pop culture (and geek!) references, each story is just a delight to read. And when I got to read this story I squealed. I knew we'd be in for a treat. And I was right, this “side quest” was fun.

I've seen other reviewers give this story weird and mixed reviews; saying that they didn't get this story or how it fits into the series. The key to understanding this narrative is in the description. “side quest.” Like a small interlude of a D&D campaign, Attack the Geek, gives us a rip roaring good trip through the world of Ray Reyes. The world in this tale broadens to include many of the other supporting characters. They all come together to snark, fight, and work together to defeat the quest's “big bad.” And Ree, Eastwood, Grognard, and Drake survive and manage to take it down.

However, like all side quests, this story does have it's twists and turns, and I wonder how the revelations in this book will play out in the greater series for Ree and her stalwart companions.

Bottom Line: Geeks rejoice. Crossing geek references and urban fantasy magic, Attack the Geek is a heck of a good story. Read it and smile along with the references for this side quest isn't just a short story!

April 11, 2014Report this review