Authoring a PhD Thesis: How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Dissertation

Authoring a PhD Thesis

How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Dissertation

2003 • 265 pages


Average rating3


Some good tips but a lot of it is quite basic and even irrelevant (if you find the section on referencing styles insightful, how did you get to PhD stage?) There are some odd bits, like where we are confidently told that women think very differently from men (no endnotes to support that assertion).
The section on structure was the most useful, the rest was a bit low level for me and at times very algorithmic to the point of specifying how many chapters, how many sections in each chapter, and how many words in each section...
The main value of the book is to remind you that a PhD is a piece of writing, not a record of a research process. It should be engaging and readable.
Took most of a day to read it and it was a good reintroduction to my work after a short enforced break and subsequent ‘what the hell am I doing' crisis...

April 11, 2017Report this review