Aztec History for Kids: A Captivating Guide to the Aztec Empire and Civilization, from the Aztecs Settling in the Valley of Mexico to the Spanish Conquest

Aztec History for Kids

A Captivating Guide to the Aztec Empire and Civilization, from the Aztecs Settling in the Valley of Mexico to the Spanish Conquest

72 pages


Average rating5


Captivating History always releases great books, and Aztec History for Kids is no different! As I read through this book, I found a fun way to get kids interested in history!
Learn about the Aztec's daily way of life, warfare, food, religion, and so much more! Each chapter breaks down the information with an easy to read format, yet even adults are going to find this book fun to read through! The illustrations are well done, and you can test your knowledge of what you learned in the book with a fun quiz at the end!
But this book takes a different look at the Aztecs as well. Some of their art is still very important in Mexico today. Their influence and importance has not waned - even after their collapse.
Read through this book from their beginnings to the Spanish Conquest, and get to know the Aztec Civilization like never before.
Keep history fun and interesting for kids - this book is a great way to jump in!

February 13, 2022Report this review