Babel, or The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution

Babel, or The Necessity of Violence

An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution

2022 • 560 pages


Average rating4.1


Warning: spoilers ahead.

So many people have raved to me about this book, so when I received it as a Christmas present, I was thrilled - I'd been trying to hunt down a copy but it had been sold out for some time. Then, I almost DNF'ed. This was one of the slowest starts to a book that I've read in some time, and I struggled to get into it for over half the book.

Then, once Robin killed Professor Lovell, everything changed for me. I flew through the last ~40% of this book. Though there is not a ton of action, like I've grown accustomed to in books like Fourth Wing or the SJM universe, Babel captivated me. It was both an excellent, sort-of-fantasy read, and a scathing take on colonization; the end absolutely broke my heart but was incredibly satisfying. I will definitely be revisiting this book in the future.

September 2, 2023Report this review