2017 • 280 pages


Average rating3


I enjoyed this one but I didn't love it as much as I thought I would. I had a hard time staying engaged in the story. I am not sure why. Usually, OW stuff doesn't bother me in dark books, but I got tired of it in this one. And as much as I loved Camilla and Ronan as individuals I struggled to feel any sort of connection between them.

Now that being said, it wasn't a BAD book. The writing was good. The pace was OK. As individuals, both main characters were intriguing and depraved. The bones were all there for them to be an AWESOME twisted and fucked up couple. The plot had the potential to be excellent had it been more fleshed out. Like I said the potential was all there, but it just didn't quite hit the mark for me.

I assume there is going to be a book two since this one ends on a rather large cliffhanger. I'm on the fence at this point on whether I will give it a read or not. Part of me hopes that if there is, we will get more of a connection between these two. And that hope has me intrigued enough to lean towards giving the next one a go. I guess we'll see. In any case, this gets a thumb up from yours truly.

October 31, 2017Report this review