Cover 6

Bad Little Girl

Bad Little Girl



Average rating5


Bad Little Girl has to be one of the best thrillers I have read so far this year, if I am being honest I picked this book not knowing anything about it. I found the description and cover so enticing that I had to read it! My background in college was in psychology so this was up my ally completely. I could not put it down It has been sitting completed on my kindle for over a week I just needed to find time to tell you how amazing it is. Thank you to Netgalley Frances Vick and Bookouture for my advanced copy of this gem. Lorna Bell is an eight-year-old Jekyll and Hyde who comes from a broken home who in the first half of the book you want to feel bad for because no child should go through everything that she has. On the opposite side of that coin you have Claire Penny the teacher with a heart of gold. I to say that this is a hard review to write without giving too much away. I can't stress enough how much you have to read this book Lorna thrives on the attention ... she loves Miss Penny....wants to be with her all the time. She tells Miss Penny ... I'm not safe. Please help me. And Miss Penny does something unthinkable. She takes the child away from a bad situation only to find out everything is not what it seems. If you LOVE thrillers this is a must have. I can't say I enjoyed any of the characters I felt sympathy for everyone in different ways in different parts of the book but not this over the top I LOVE this character kind of moment. A tough subject wrapped in a creepy perfect package. A must read.

February 20, 2017Report this review