Batwoman: Elegy
2010 • 192 pages


Average rating4.1


All Kate Kane ever desired was to serve her country with honour. And she was on her way to doing that, too - until she was asked, she told, and she became separated from the US Army. After that she became lost for awhile, until the Bat found her. The Bat gave her a chance to serve again, to don a uniform and fight evil.

This was a pretty enjoyable read. Kate's Batwoman is the antithesis of everything I ever disliked about Batman, and the JH Williams artwork is gobsmackingly beautiful. The only downside is the first arc is fairly dependent on reading what had come before (which I hadn't, so I had to visit wikipedia to figure out all the prophecy/”Religion of Crime” stuff).

Still, a good read if you're into crimefighting vigilantes.

January 25, 2012Report this review