Cover 4

Before Crown and Kingdom

155 pages

3.5 Stars. I enjoyed the continuing story in the Between Ink and Shadows trilogy and how it seemed to flow a bit more seamlessly than the first book. This tends to happen with sequels because most things do not have to be introduced and explained; instead they are referred to as common knowledge. However, it felt like there was not a lot happening towards the end. Most of the beginning was Warrick wants to marry Nim to keep her safe, something happens to interrupt the ceremony, Nim does something reckless behind Warrick's back, and repeat. I understand the call of magic is quite hard to resist, especially if you're Nim and aren't particularly trying to resist it, but she keeps putting herself into dangerous situations for no reason. There's no reason for her to visit Callum's cell on her own or run towards Warrick when she feels his magic tangle with Rhen's. She is no match for magic, as she has already proven, and all she is doing is putting herself in the line of fire just for Warrick to come back and save her. She needs to stay put and listen to him for once. It's annoying already.

I also don't understand why Warrick slaughtered a room full of guards to take the throne. That makes no sense and is completely out of character. Yes, he said he has to take the crown by force to keep it from the Trust, but it's like he went 0 to 100 real quick.

As I said in my review of the first book, some parts and concepts were confusing, and unfortunately they were not clarified in this book. Leaving the audience with a bit of mystery and suspense is one thing, but it doesn't make sense to make them question whether or not they understand the actual plot.

May 19, 2024Report this review