Before I Met You

Before I Met You

2013 • 448 pages


Average rating5


Lisa Jewell is one of those authors I've been reading for years, we've almost grown up together. Since Ralph's Party, 31 Dream Street and Vince & Joy she's never failed to deliver a great read. It's been a few years now since I'd read one of her books but decided I'd delve back in with Before I Met You.

It's a wonderful story about Betty and her step grandmother Arlette whom she cares for in her old age in a crumbling house in a cliff top in Guernsey. After Arlette's death Betty sets out to find a mysterious Clara Pickle to whom Arlette has left her life savings. Betty decides to move to London in search of the mysterious Miss Pickle and finds her own adventure along the way.

This is a much more mature Lisa Jewell than the one I remember from a few years ago, her writing almost less frothy and whimsical and more based in solid relationships and emotion. The story flits between Betty's London and Arlette's London in the 1920's and Jewell weaves the story seamlessly and enticingly.

Arlette's story is a joy to read, incredibly captivating and one I could have happily spent the whole book immersed in. That is not to detract from Betty's journey but it is less exciting and lacks some of the glamour of the 1920's jazz bars and post war politics.

A truly joyful book and a wonderful read. Jewell keeps the reader involves right through the book until the very end. Well worth a read and it certainly won't be so long until I read another.

February 5, 2014Report this review