Before Time Runs Out
2021 • 264 pages


Average rating5


I love a good time travel story, and Amy Matayo delivers. This isn't her normal genre, but she has done a bang-up job of writing a story with characters that you'll cheer for and a plot that just sucks you right in.

Bree and Theo's initial meeting, and their interactions as they try to figure out how to relate to the past and to each other, are just how you'd imagine they'd be if you found yourself whisked back into another century. Even though they aren't from the same time period, Theo and Bree learn pretty quickly that they'll need to work together, both to get back home and to survive the nineteenth century!

I could really relate to Bree. She's a modern female, pretty outspoken, not inclined to be patted on the head (figuratively speaking) and told to mind her place and keep quiet. I wouldn't do real well with that, either. But here she is, in a time period where that's basically what women are told to do.

And I'm not an avid reader of romance, but I will always make an exception to that general rule for Amy Matayo. The romance isn't forced, it isn't insta-romance. It develops organically as the story unfolds. Much better that way in my opinion.

If you like time travel, strong female characters, plot twists that leave your head spinning, and classic literature references, you need to read Before Time Runs Out. Five stars to a well-written and enjoyable read.

Thanks to the author and publisher for an advance review copy. All opinions here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't actually like.

February 23, 2021Report this review