Behind His Eyes - Consequences

Behind His Eyes - Consequences

2014 • 276 pages


Average rating5


I honestly don't know where to begin. This book.. these books.. this series. Just amazing.

I would like to mention, this is a companion novel to Consequences (book #1) in the series and is not meant to be read as a stand alone. You will not get much enjoyment from it if you try to read it without having read at the bare minimum, Consequences. That said, if you enjoyed the series, I highly recommend reading BHE - Consequences.

So, where to start?

It was there, in that church, in Indianapolis, Indiana, that Anthony resolved that his and Claire's paths would cross again.

This book takes us back to the very beginning, even farther back then when we start in Consequences. It was very interesting to see how Tony reacts the first time he truly lays his eyes on Claire. I would liked to have explored more of their “first meeting” at the Red Wing, the napkin, and their first time together from Tony's POV.

Tony. It is so hard to choose where I am with him. I love him, I hate him, I love him, I think he's nuts, I love him more, then I hate him, no I hate his actions, I still love Tony. He is so calculated, so controlled (until he sees red and loses control), so dominating. He is fierce, but there is a soul worth redemption in there. He is so confusing to me. I want to hate him, I really do. But I can't. I see a tortured soul, trying to stay true to his word, to avenge his grandfather, but also waging war with himself, because things have changed. I really do think he has come to care, deeply, for Claire. His acquisition didn't turn out as expected. When he loses control, I think he panics, because Anthony Rawlings is ALWAYS in control.

She was his acquisition, his prisoner - a sacrificial lamb for the sins of her forefathers

Was she truly that strong? What were her limits? Could she be broken?

Claire. I love Claire. I want to wrap her in bubble wrap and protect her from all the bad consequences. I want to soothe her and rock her. I don't always understand her decisions, and silently wonder what makes her so determined to gain his approval. Why did she care so much? What made her so dependent on his approval? Why did she never run when she had the chance? I love her fire, her spirit, and in a way, her ability to give in to Tony. I love Claire more in Truth and Convicted, but we can save that for another time. My heart broke for Claire in the end, I really do think she loved Tony, or really thought she did. I don't want to spoil the end for those who haven't read Consequences, but I still don't understand how or why he did what he did. vague enough LOL

It's your strength and determination that have infuriated me. That strength and resilience have also made me fall in love with you.

I think what Tony felt was as close to love as he has ever known. And I think that just confuses him. He doesn't know what to do with his emotions, how to concede control. I think he feels a new found protectiveness over his acquisition.

“Claire. Rawlings. Was. Never. On. Our. List.” - Tony

Overall, this was a fantastic addition to an already amazing series! Behind His Eyes is a true treat for any Consequences fan and I would highly recommend it after you're read the series!

April 2, 2017Report this review