Bells, Spells, and Murders

Bells, Spells, and Murders

2018 • 384 pages

I didn't quite enjoy this one as much as I did the other book I read by this author Grave Errors. I felt the mystery in this one took a back seat to all of Lee's running around news reporting, which started to get a little boring after a while. I think the author could have dropped a lot of that and it would have tightened up the story and placed more focus on the murder mystery. There were also quite a few inconsistencies within the story, but hopefully, those will be fixed by the time the book is officially released.

That being said, I still did really enjoy the characters themselves. Lee is a great leading lady. I continued to love Pete and their relationship. I loved Aunt Ibby, and O'Ryan the cat, and the mystery kept me guessing until the end. Throw in a yummy sounding recipe, and it certainly made for an enjoyable (if not perfect) read.

September 17, 2018Report this review