Average rating3.9
I love this series!I can't say that Confection – that's the name, right? – was my favorite world, but that was interesting in and of itself, because it taught me about myself, my basic make up. As much as this world bothered me is how much I loved The Moors, the world in [b:Down Among the Sticks and Bones 31450908 Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children, #2) Seanan McGuire https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1473685781s/31450908.jpg 47411892]. Seanan McGuire does a tremendous job with diverse characters, and this time the point of view character was Cora, a girl made to feel self-c0nscious about her weight in our world, but had discovered a world and returned from a world where she felt at home as a mermaid. I get the feeling the author has tremendous compassion for all of her characters, and that she's rooting for them to make their way back to their homes. I love that. I don't think they ARE all guaranteed to make it back, sometimes things things are out of an author's hands – :) – but she wants it for them. If there was anything that bugged me, it's that we got so little time with a character from the first book who we meet again in this book. She was there for the book, and yet sort of not there, and without spoilers, that was a bummer. Since – no spoilers! – she couldn't talk for most of the story, the people who knew her could have told stories about her. Just a thought.