Best Laid Plans
2015 • 322 pages


Average rating5


first off I need to apologize to Stylo because I would never wait so long to read one of her books that's how big a fan I am of all her work. My time in the Affair I bought on pre-order and read in a day.

now lets talk Marc and Lily. I adore them. if you are looking for fast paced edge of your seat kind of book fully charge your kindle and find a comfy chair and go on the ride of your life!

Having the danger filled Africa as the backdrop makes this story unique and exotic ... Marc is a loner , a mercenary with no attachments , a criminal for hire . For the right amount of money he will take any job .
Lily , a transporter for the Russian mafia. She did some things that she isn't proud of to get where she is now . She's been preparing for this job for a long time and the end game for her is just around the corner . I love that her motivation is revenge, while his motivation at the end of the book is to make her have a normal life. foolish man doesn't he know that her normal is anywhere he is by now.

Bonnie and Clyde in a much more modern and sexy package. Even the best laid plans have wrinkles. The way that this book ends I can't wait to see if Marc gets his butt kicked or if they will have the greatest round of make up sex known to man. December 2nd cant come fast enough!

October 23, 2015Report this review