2014 • 406 pages


Average rating4


Sexual Abuse/ Rape scenes that are graphic

Excessive Violence

Explicit Sexual Scenes

Mature Subject Matter

Alpha created mixed reactions among readers because many of Jasinda Wilder fans were used to the New Adult genre. She clearly classifies the book in the Erotic Romance genre. Many of her fans were expecting a romance that was similar to her New Adult and Contemporary novels where the formats focused on emotional angst and new love. Alpha clearly focused on the sensuality and sexual side that is expected in an Erotic Romance. If you are looking for a sensually hot read that has an strong element of suspense combined with erotic romance, Beta is the book to read.

Beta picks up where Alpha left off. Roth and Kyrie have built a strong relationship based upon love, respect, and chemistry. They are traveling the world and celebrating their newfound love for one another. All seems perfect in their lives until Roth's past comes back to haunt them in a horrific way.

Roth has disappeared, people are trying to kill Kyrie, and she is stranded in France alone. One phone call to Roth's security specialist, Harrison, sets the wheels in motion. Kyrie and Harrison will have to infiltrate the dark underworld of one of the most powerful crime families in the world. They will have to risk their lives to save Roth's life.

Roth's past has come back to claim him. His past business affairs and life style delved into the other side of legal business practices. Although he walked away from that world long ago, it still has a hold on him. He will suffer beyond belief for his past transgressions. He will do it willingly to keep Kyrie alive.

As the book progresses the readers will be on the edge of their seats. They will be appalled by the violence and acts of revenge carried out. It will take monumental planning and lethal execution by Harrison and his men to save Roth and Kyrie. It will take the strength of will to survive. It will take the strength of their love to heal the horrific atrocities they survived.

The love that Roth and Kyrie share is strong and resilient. Their commitment to one another is the only way to defeat their enemies. Their passion for one another will heal their souls.

Just when the reader feels good about Roth and Kyrie finally finding the peace they need for their future, Jasinda will drop the bomb. The ending is a cliffhanger that will make the readers scream for more.

July 1, 2016Report this review