Better Single Than Sorry

Better Single Than Sorry

I didn't watch the first season of the Bachelor so I didn't really know anything about the author, Jen Scheft. She was the winner of the first Bachelor and was engaged to Andrew Firestone for a short period after the show ended, then she decided to leave him. After reading this book, I really liked her. I thought she was very honest and real about her dating experiences as well as her decision to leave Firestone and not pick a boyfriend when she did the first Bachelorette show. I've never watched that show either, but I think she followed her head and her heart and this book definitely shows it. It's a great read, especially since this society seems to put a stigma on single 30-something women. The author is single and over 30 and is completely okay with it, because she hasn't compromised herself just to be in a relationship. That's the big lesson here, don't completely give up 100% of your wants/desires/wishes/standards just to be in a relationship; be true to yourself. Granted this is something we should know and not need someone to tell us, but sometimes it's nice to be reminded.