Better Than Friends
2014 • 216 pages


Average rating3


** 3.5 ** //WHY DOES GR INSIST ON NOT ALLOWING .5 STARS!!!//Another breezy entry to the love stories of Matt & Aaron's friends from [b:Better Than Good 18048387 Better Than Good (Better Than, #1) Lane Hayes 25330069]. Like the previous entry nothing much happens and I'm not complaining. No made up issues or melodrama, but the story of how Curt, Matt's friend and former college roommate, and Jack, who appears in [b:Better Than Chance 20338332 Better Than Chance (Better Than, #2) Lane Hayes 41947269] meet and get together is more novella material in my opinion.Don't get me wrong. They are both good company. Curtis is sometimes too caught up in his insecurities and I think that Lane Hayes makes a good case for Jack being hesitant to pursue a “formal” relationship due to his past ones. I also appreciate that though there could be some drama created over the age difference, Curtis is 28 and Jack 42, none rises because hey, those relationships happen all the time and if anything Jack is the one here pushing Curt to go beyond his comfort zone and out of his head. All in all it's a low to no angst story of two outwardly seeming opposites attracted to each in a powerful yet easy way. For Curt it's also learning to see himself with other more admiring eyes and for both Jack & Curt to release the past and grab the future with both hands.However unlike Peter & Jay who are forceful and interesting characters in their own right I feel like Curt & Jack are ancillary or satellites of the Matt/Aaron world and that their story could be better told within a novella .... but if you enjoy decor porn you're in for a treat. Every space gets described in an almost tactile detail and I felt a times like I was looking at pictures in Dwell or Elle Decor.In this volume we are introduced to Paul who I'm sure will be one of the MC of the next book and I'll read it not so much because I'm interested in him but because I'm fingers crossed expecting more visits with Matt & Aaron and hopefully wedding bells and because lets face it I'm an anal freak who likes to finish series and in this case it will be no chore due to a combination of [a:Lane Hayes 7125719 Lane Hayes] smooth writing style about people you feel like you know: your office mate, drinking buddy or cute neighbor and these books are blessed by [a:Tyler Stevens 6519636 Tyler Stevens] doing the narration. Sweet.

September 8, 2016Report this review