Between the Sea and Stars

Between the Sea and Stars

2018 • 300 pages


Average rating5


*I have been sent an eARC of this book by the publisher in exchange of an honest review *

I had already heard about this author but this is the first book I read by her and, I have to say, people were not exaggerating when they said she is such a good writer!

Between the Sea and Stars is the story of Lena, a merrow who is curious about the human world despite her people are forbidden to venture too close to the shore after their Queen was killed by her power-hungry human lover. But an unfortunate turn of events forces Lena to go on land and hide amongst the humans, keeping her nature a secret. But this will prove to be more difficult than she imagined.

I really enjoyed reading this book. Even though she is a fantastical creature, Lena's curiosity, kindness and lack of kick-butt abilities make her a very relatable character which is why I liked her starting from page one! What I especially loved was the creative way in which the merrow world was described. It was my first time reading a mermaid book and it felt so magical! I absolutely recommend this book to people who enjoy reading fantasy, who are looking for good mermaid stories and if you love The Little Mermaid, then it's definitely the perfect story for you!

June 16, 2018Report this review