Cover 8

Beyond Sanctuary

1985 • 262 pages


Average rating4


This was a little different to what I usually read. More paranormal, which I didn't realise looking at the cover.

They say a ghost can't pass over until they settle their unfinished business, Parrish Locke is about to find out that she has a skill set uniquely designed to help. She just needs to embrace it.

It's difficult to talk about this book without giving anything away. It feels like two separate stories that are told in a way to make them interconnect so well. They are interwoven wonderfully and leave you wanting more. If you like mafia stories, books with a bit of suspense and a romantic thread, with a little ghostly effect thrown in, this is the book for you.

The audiobook is performed in duet by David Black and Amanda Stribling. The majority of the story is told from the female POV with only a handful of male POV chapters, but fear not, because this is duet, you hear plenty from David Black and thank goodness as it would have been a mighty shame not to have heard his deep, growly voice throughout the story. He was perfect as Dominick. The Italian was done to a wonderful, convincing standard. I think we're going to be seeing his name a lot in the future. Amanda Stribling did a great job of switch between Parrish and Karlee. It took me a little while to get used to her performance but once I did, it was enjoyable. The production was done well, chapter 13 did cut off early.

August 12, 2020Report this review