2016 • 348 pages


Average rating3.8


3.5, rounding down because I'm not a fan of first-person in romance, especially when the MC keeps referring to her “lady parts” or “girl parts” in her internal monologue. Like, you're not 12 and neither is the reader, and if we can have detailed descriptions of the lead dude's junk, let's stop with the cutesy talk, please.

Anyway. I wasn't sure I was going to like this at first, what with the alternating first-person and just how much of a jerk the hero was in the beginning, but once it got past that, it grew on me nicely and I learned some interesting things about apples. I might go back and read the rest of this series, because I really do like the setting, and most of the other potential leads mentioned in the story don't seem like they'd start off as grumpy as Griff.

(2019 summer romance bingo: “wine and spirits”; don't think it'd fit any other square except HEA.)

August 5, 2019Report this review