Black Sheep

Black Sheep

2023 • 336 pages


Average rating4


Rating: 3.11 leaves out of 5-Characters: 3/5 -Cover: 4.5/5-Story: 3/5-Writing: 4/5Genre: Horror, Mystery, Cult, Contemporary, Thriller-Horror: 1.5/5-Cult: 5/5-Contemporary: 4/5-Mystery: 2/5-Thriller: 1/5Type: EbookWorth?: Eh, I guessHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Loved FavoritedWant to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.This was a weird book, as in weird how I got to the end. I was reading it and it had caught my attention but I was going to possibly DNF it because I just couldn't stand how I called what I did. Then I notice I was at 52% and told myself just a little more... and I kept doing that till the end. It seemed to go by so fast.Besides that the story was just... okay. I called one of the major plots in the book. There were a lot of repetition. I notice a lot of Rachel's characters are up their own asses. Secondly how she has her MC describe themselves is wrong, like dead wrong. Vesper isn't what she claims to be in the beginning of the book. Also Rachel, if you are going to pick a name for a character and then have the MC call her by her nickname most of the time, please fucking stick to it. The first time that crap happened I was confused as fuck. Make up your damn mind on a name and stick to it please. I was conflicted about MC's past love interest. Like yeah, I get it you left and by that right you don't really have a say BUT... I get it hurts. I just wish Rachel would have made Vesper go ALL in or just not fucking at all. This have a fence up her ass was NOT IT. The whole wedding shit was just that... shit.In this book, I don't think I had this problem in the last one I read, what the hell was up with the random inserts of crap that def didn't belong? It threw me off and took me out of the scene so fast. This is my second book by Rachel and I don't know if she is ever going to get better with her writing. Her editor needs to slow their reading and really pay attention because they have missed some big ass mistakes.Even with all my bashing, I think the fact that it went by fast and the story not being so awful I rated it a 3.11.

September 13, 2023Report this review