Average rating3.4
I picked this book up mostly on a whim and because the cover looked intriguing and someone at the bookstore had left a little blurb saying it was queer (which I absolutely loved how matter of fact the queerness was, I appreciate a good story about queerness prevailing in the face of odds like Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda, but I also just want more normal representation showing queer people just being people and respected as such and this book did an amazing job of that!). It sat on my shelf for two years which is really a shame because I devoured it in 3 days and it's quickly become one of my favorite reads of the year.
Don't let the mixed reviews keep you from reading it (I was at first nervous because there were some less than enthusiastic reviews, but I think that mostly comes down to taste).
I would recommend this for people who enjoy casual queer representation, accurate sibling relationships (boy did Kylee's sense of protecting her brother resonate with me as an older sister myself), and a refreshing new fantasy world (seriously I would love to have a Lonely Planet guide for this world it's so cool and I can't wait for it to be unpacked more in the sequels!)
Hope you enjoy this book as much as I did! (or don't that's really up to you