

2020 • 320 pages


Average rating3.7


While I generally enjoy reading republican opinions the author of this book didn't provide much of that.

The solution to the ‘democratic plantation' does not lie in the republican party. The entire system is flawed and the entire system needs to take action to fix itself.

To keep this as short as possible: Owens acts as though the democrats are trying to make the US a socialist state. First of all, being an actor in a socialist country does not mean that you'll get the same amount of parts as an actor less talented than you. I can't imagine what kind of mental acrobats the author had to take to come to that conclusion. Secondly, many of the socialist programs in the US are backed by republicans. Any American reading this should be well aware of this fact after the mess that 2020 has been. Stimulus checks are a form socialism and they were backed by both parties. The bailouts for airlines? Socialism. Medicare? Socialism. All of which Trump had little issue signing. And even before 2020 that man was handing out money to our farmers as though it grows on trees. Don't want a socialist in the White House? Well they're all third party so you really don't have to worry about that happening any time soon.

There is an entire section dedicated to religion, and this countries ‘Judeo-Christian' values. We are a country founded on the belief of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. If you choose to vote for someone based on your religious beliefs that's your prerogative, but to act as though people are turning their back from God for voting blue when the top blue contenders are also Christians as well is laughable. The Bible is up for interpretation and the sheer number of competing churches in this country should be more than enough to show that while we may share a belief in God we do not all share the same views on what that means.

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum you have nothing to gain from reading this book, it's just a long rehash of the usual republican propaganda. You've likely heard it all before.

October 31, 2020Report this review