Blood and Wrath
2022 • 354 pages

The book's addictive nature is its most notable trait, making it easy to get hooked despite some of its flaws.

One positive aspect is the noticeable improvement in writing quality from the previous book in the series. The author has made strides in developing a more polished and engaging style, which enhances the reading experience. However, this improvement in writing doesn't fully compensate for the other elements that fall short.

The plot is another mixed bag. While it's engrossing and keeps the pages turning, it lacks the depth and complexity that more discerning readers might look for. The storyline bears a strong resemblance to the “Bonds That Tie” series, which might appeal to fans of that series but also means it suffers from a lack of originality.

In summary, it's a book that many will find enjoyable for its improved writing and addictive storytelling, but it won't stand out in terms of plot innovation or depth. It's a suitable choice for those looking for an easy, engaging read, but it may not satisfy those seeking a unique or profound literary experience.

November 29, 2023Report this review