In this engaging psychological thriller, S.M. Freedman deftly takes us inside a funadmentalist Mormon community in British Columbia, where girls are preyed upon by the elder males in charge and boys are left wanting.
When Grace DeRoche finds herself in an untenable situation, she decides to escape the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by two powerful males. She convinces others to escape with her. But her departure and collaboration with the police have consequences. To avoid jail, some of her family and others loyal to the community's extreme religious beliefs commit suicide. Overcome with grief and guilt, Grace is left to pick up the pieces of her life. She's further challenged because she's developed multiple personalities to cope with any new threat in her life. When she discovers that a few Mormons who escaped with her have died mysteriously, she wonders if she's next, or is she somehow culpable for their deaths.
The power of faith and community to support or destroy is the heart of this wonderful novel. A highly recommended read.