Blood Moon
2013 • 302 pages


Average rating4


[b:Blood Moon 17857995 Blood Moon (Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #2) Alexandra Sokoloff 24999447] continues the story of FBI special agent Matthew Roarke and the mysterious huntress. The story begins with Roark and his crew completing an operation against human traffickers. (An operation that began in the closing pages of preceding book, [b:Huntress Moon 15746576 Huntress Moon (Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #1) Alexandra Sokoloff 21437405].)After that, Roarke and crew come up with a scheme to try and capture the huntress, who is still out there killing bad guys. However, their plan is soon disrupted by the reappearance of a mass murder called “The Reaper”. While the plot isn't as intricate as that of [b:Huntress Moon 15746576 Huntress Moon (Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #1) Alexandra Sokoloff 21437405], it is just as full of suspense, action, and tension. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll stop there. Good story. I hope Alexandra Sokoloff continues the series.

October 24, 2014Report this review