Blue Moo: 17 Jukebox Hits From Way Back Never

Blue Moo: 17 Jukebox Hits From Way Back Never



Average rating5


It was the 1940s and 1950s that made the music that is most dear to my heart because as a child I grew up listening to the Oldies station and love every minute of it. Years ago, by my dad of all people I was introduced to Philadelphia Chickens from Sandra Boynton and it was my first look at her illustrated songbooks and music. Now in future years we have discovered all her board books and such and love it all!

This is my favorite by far of her songbooks and cds so far but I cannot wait for more to come in the future! So many songs emulating such classics and so many great singers even here with these new songs in the classic Boynton style. I'm just plain in love.

Thanks to Workman for providing a copy for review.

Originally posted:

November 9, 2011Report this review