Bon Bons to Yoga Pants
2015 • 264 pages


Average rating4


I got to read this while I was doing e-book production for it (one of the perks of the job is that I get to read the good ones) and it is great. Slips by like a fast, easy read and then you finish it and think, wow, there were a lot of deep feels in that. If you've ever felt intimidated at going to the gym, or wondered where those extra pounds came from and why they won't go away, or heard that inner voice whispering you're-not-good-enough, you should read this book. There were moments when it made me a little uncomfortable about my own food choices and reasons for things, but it was a good kind of uncomfortable, if that makes sense. Fun chick lit on the surface, deep and inspiring underneath.

August 5, 2015Report this review