Boys of Summer
2009 • 64 pages


Average rating4


3.5Max & Hunter go on a Florida seaside summer vacation to get away from friends and family in California. The point is to define what they're going to be. Max is out, at least to their circle of friends, but Hunter is new to all of this. Until recently he had a girlfriend. One kiss from Max changed all that and now, after months of making out & more, they must decide on the next step. Will they become a couple? Officially? That would mean Hunter coming to terms with being gay or at least bi and willing to publicly be with Max.I think this is my first [a:Cooper Davis 3007539 Cooper Davis] and I did the AB by [a:Brian Pallino 9871007 Brian Pallino]. There was lots to like here:*friends-to-lovers, first-time-gay, coming-out to self & circle of friends*Opposites attract: elegant, refined, suit-wearing stockbroker + motorcycle riding construction worker*Virgin(s)The story is told from Hunter's POV and I liked the pacing and narrative voice. I think Hunter's fears, doubts, and ultimate helplessness of entering into a public relationship with Max are valid and aptly expressed. It's sad that people still have to fear coming out, that it's even a thing but it doesn't make it less real or the reasons behind it invalid. However Max & Hunter seem almost inevitable and their relationship is sweet and scorching too. There's a BK.2 but going by reviews I'm not sure I'll read it. I may be wrong but it seems that it has the potential of ruining a perfectly sweet story. That was my experience with the sequels to Anna Martin's “Another Way” and it's an experience I don't care to repeat. I'd rather let the characters live their HEA in my imaginations without further details.

November 20, 2020Report this review