2019 • 415 pages


Average rating3


I was really looking forward to this book. Unfortunately, it just didn't blow me away as I had hoped. I don't mind a good enemy to lovers story, but there was SO much animosity and hate between these two, and it went on SO long that I never got a chance to connect with them as a couple. Even the sex scenes felt off because there was so much hate between them. I also didn't like either one of the main characters. They both came across as self-centered a$$holes. I mean, did Dixie even ONCE stop and think about the innocent victims she would have been killing (and maybe killed) that was staying at the hotel she blew up? Why was this possibility never brought up? I honestly didn't care if either of them ended up together or dead. Shrug.

The writing itself was fine. We jump back and forth in time which lays down a lot of background history between Dixie and Brandon, which added a good bit of depth to the story. However, I think there was a bit too much of it at times and it disrupted the flow of the story, and I started skimming to get back to the present time. The ending itself was sweet, but I couldn't 100% buy into it. So yea, I don't know. It was OK, but not the complete hit I had hoped for. C'est la vie...

February 3, 2019Report this review