Cover 2

Breach of Peace

Breach of Peace


Average rating3


3.5 stars

Surprisingly, I ended up becoming very attached to the main character of this story, Khlid, despite the limited amount of time we got to spend with her due to this being a novella. I listened to this on audiobook and honestly, I think I managed to overlook most of the flaws that I'd end up finding in a book while physically reading it, which I'm grateful for because I'm already an avid viewer of Daniel Greene's booktube channel so I suppose I would have been a bit biased either way. The things I did manage to notice were a few cliches here and there, such as the heavy rain/gloomy weather during the scene at the end, or the way Samuel's physical appearance was described. But overall, a very solid read for sure!

April 15, 2021Report this review