

2018 • 354 pages


Average rating2


Unfortunately, this one just didn't work for me. I hated the hero. He was weak. He was a drunk for most of the book. The author alludes to him having a drug and alcohol problem, but it is never addressed. Even when the reason cames out for what he did, I couldn't get past it. I felt terrible for him, but I couldn't quite believe that humiliating the heroine was the ONLY thing he could have done. Seemed to me he could have made 500000 better choices in dealing with it all. And, I am SO over heroes breaking it off with the supposed “loves of their lives” in over the top cruel ways, and then using the excuse “I did it for your own good.” I also was a bit disturbed that a particular situation that happens to the hero was eerily similar to a celebrities story that has been recently brought to light in the wake of the #metoo movement.

Second I hated that the heroine never moved on in three years with her life. Stayed celibate. Didn't complete her degree. Her business is failing, and she had to move in with her parents. All because of the hero's actions. Meanwhile, the hero went on to become a manwhore, and find success. Not to mention she fell right back into his arms three seconds after he returns. With basically ZERO grovel.

On top of all that, this chicks family were god awful. They know what the hero did to the heroine. They witnessed the fall out first hand, yet he is back for less than 24 hours, and they are inviting him over for BBQ's and lecturing the heroine on letting this go. Her brother, who the day before wanted to take a baseball bat to the hero, is now having his two-year-old call the hero “Uncle Ben”! Like what the everloving fuck were these people smoking??!! The only character with a lick of sense was Michelle!

In all honesty, I probably should have just stopped reading, but a small part of wanted to see where this all was heading. This wasn't a hit for me, but it wasn't a bad book either. It just had a lot of things that didn't work for me. I am sure I will be in the minority, and there is nothing wrong with that. Please do peruse other reviews before deciding if this book is for you.

SIDE NOTE: Am I the only one who gets annoyed when author's write characters using the morning after pill as birth control? This couple didn't have a condom, so the heroine says “that is what the morning after pill is for” No, actually it is NOT. And it is irresponsible to use it as such. OK, off my soapbox...

July 25, 2018Report this review