Average rating4
1/5, dnfed at 46%.
This was a failure.
I hated it so much. The female main character was so naive and STUPID and DESPERATE I hated it. Oh my god. Her EGGS CHIRPED?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? And that's the internal monologue of a 30 year old woman? It read like she was 15! Jesus CHrist, that was so cringe and horrible.
SHe was so DESPERATE to have a baby and I get it but she did not ONCE think of a sperm donor? To just go to the clinic? NOTHING? Seriously?
And THEN she acted like she was a naive virgin who doesn't know ANYTHING about sex. Seriously, she's supposed to be 30-year-old woman who already slept with men before and the author had her buy 200 condoms for a date because she couldn't choose? Are you serious? In what way is this funny or smart of well-written? It's not. And then she was so overwhelmed by vibrators as if she couldn't just order one online? No, Nick had to follow her into the store and make fun of her! Jesus, he too acts like he's 16 immature asshole when he's supposed to be 38. What the fuck.
And the fact that Sam asks her sister about EVERYTHING like she couldn't think for herself? Hell no! I hated it.
The book is written horribly, the characters are flat and immature despite being supposed to be in their 30s, the plot is just boring. I was disappointed.
This is the second book from the author I read this year and it's gonna be the last. It's not for me.