Breath Like the Wind at Dawn

Breath Like the Wind at Dawn

2020 • 208 pages


Average rating1


This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.

Of the 208 pages in this book, I'm going to estimate that maybe 15 worked for me. I didn't connect with the prose, the characters, the story, or anything. I thought Jacobsen's style got in his way, that attempts to be artistic rendered the text obscure; word choice (particularly when attempts were made at a vernacular) was off-putting; and the characters were lifeless (when they weren't vile or abhorrent).

I'm just not up for enumerating my problems with the novel beyond that. I didn't see the appeal to any of it. I'm not saying that no one will or could, but it's incomprehensible to me.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from the author via Lori @ TNBBC Publicity in exchange for this post—thanks to both for this, I do appreciate the opportunity (despite what it may read like).

May 19, 2020Report this review