Bridget Jones's Diary
1970 • 292 pages


Average rating3.5


I am a fan of the 2001 film based on this book starring Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, and Colin Firth, so naturally I was drawn to reading the book that started it all. Aside from not being able to relate completely to Bridget's weight loss woes (in either book or her movie counterpart - I would give anything to weigh between 120-135 pounds!) it was a quick and entertaining read.

No surprise, the book reads just like a diary: complete with dates and times and crossed out lines and emotional, post-2 AM-drunken entries agonizing one's love life.

For me, I found myself both absolutely frustrated with Bridget - only to turn the page and discover that sometimes, yes - I am just as silly and hot-tempered and fickle. My favorite element was the constant throwback to New Year's resolutions (and the difficulty in keeping them), which makes this a timely book for the end of the year around the holidays.

Overall, I am more likely to re-watch the movie again before re-reading the book, however I am appreciative of having a better understanding of Bridget because of this darling little book.